Monday 28 March 2016

I'm Back!

So it seems that I have been concentrating a lot of my efforts on my other blog, which was totally not the intention! I had started a beauty- home- wine type blog, but have quickly realised that it takes up too much time from my first love.

I love being creative. Whether doing some DIY at home, making jewellery, or even doing a bit of gardening- if I can make something look pretty, I feel great.

Unfortunately, I have been blind sighted as the beauty blog seemed to get more views, so I started to concentrate on it a little more, until I realised I was only concentrating on it. I realise that I haven't really made anything in months, and my craft room has turned into more of a nail room. This was never my intention.

I have now began the process of taking down my beauty blog. I think that the whole beauty blog thing has been done to death, and I doubt I can really add much more to it. I can, however unleash my creativity onto the world, and I think it would be a whole lot more "me."

So, over the next month or two, I will be working away at re-launching Where's My Pencil. I will be trying to make it better and prettier than ever. I intend to spend much more time being creative, and if I can share the prettiness with you, then all the better.

I look forward to getting creative again, and I hope you will continue to follow my ramblings.


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